Random hypergraphs
Generating random hypergraph with a given degree and dimension contraints
Given a degree sequence and dimension sequence, how to estimate some property of the set of hypergraphs conforming to the given sequences?
- Example: There are three hypergraphs that conform to degree sequence \((a)_n = (3,2,2,2)\) and dimension sequence \((b)_n = (4,3,3)\).
The objective is to estimate mean of some property (f) of the set of conforming hypergraphs.
In order to do so, one needs to first, generate random hypergraphs as samples and finally, devise a statistical estimator to estimate the population mean of (f) from the sample hypergraphs.
In collaboration with Debabrota Basu, Stephane Bressan and Laurent Decrausefond, I developed algorithms for generating random hypergraphs conforming to given degree and dimension sequences. I also devised an Importance sampling based estimator for estimating properties of such hypergraphs.
If you are interested in the details, please refer to my following papers-